Source code for scripts.add_staff_relationships

#!/usr/bin/env python
"""The ```` script automates adding
the relationships of some staff-related symbols to staffs.
The symbols in question are:

* ``staff_grouping``
* ``measure_separator``
* ``repeat``
* ``key_signature``
* ``time_signature``
* ``g-clef``, ``c-clef``, ``f-clef``

from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals, division
import argparse
import collections
import logging
import os
import pprint
import time

from muscima.inference_engine_constants import InferenceEngineConstants as _CONST
from import parse_cropobject_list, export_cropobject_list
from muscima.cropobject import link_cropobjects

__version__ = "0.0.1"
__author__ = "Jan Hajic jr."



STAFFLINE_CLSNAME = 'staff_line'
STAFFSPACE_CLSNAME = 'staff_space'

    'g-clef', 'c-clef', 'f-clef', 'other-clef',



# Notes will get added separately.


[docs]def add_staff_relationships(cropobjects, notehead_staffspace_threshold=0.2): _cropobjects_dict = {c.objid: c for c in cropobjects} ON_STAFFLINE_RATIO_TRHESHOLD = notehead_staffspace_threshold ##########################################################################'Find the staff-related symbols') staffs = [c for c in cropobjects if c.clsname == _CONST.STAFF_CLSNAME] staff_related_symbols = collections.defaultdict(list) notehead_symbols = collections.defaultdict(list) rest_symbols = collections.defaultdict(list) for c in cropobjects: if c.clsname in _CONST.STAFF_RELATED_CLSNAMES: staff_related_symbols[c.clsname].append(c) if c.clsname in _CONST.NOTEHEAD_CLSNAMES: notehead_symbols[c.clsname].append(c) if c.clsname in _CONST.REST_CLSNAMES: rest_symbols[c.clsname].append(c) ##########################################################################'Adding staff relationships') # - Which direction do the relationships lead in? # Need to define this. # # Staff -> symbol? # Symbol -> staff? # It does not really matter, but it's more intuitive to attach symbols # onto a pre-existing staff. So, symbol -> staff. for clsname, cs in list(staff_related_symbols.items()): for c in cs: # Find the related staff. Relatedness is measured by row overlap. # That means we have to modify the staff bounding box to lead # from the leftmost to the rightmost column. This holds # especially for the staff_grouping symbols. for s in staffs: st, sl, sb, sr = s.bounding_box sl = 0 sr = max(sr, c.right) if c.overlaps((st, sl, sb, sr)): link_cropobjects(c, s) ##########################################################################'Adding rest --> staff relationships.') for clsname, cs in list(rest_symbols.items()): for c in cs: closest_staff = min([s for s in staffs], key=lambda x: ((x.bottom + / 2. - (c.bottom + / 2.) ** 2) link_cropobjects(c, closest_staff) ##########################################################################'Adding notehead relationships.') # NOTE: # This part should NOT rely on staffspace masks in any way! # They are highly unreliable. # Sort the staff objects top-down. Assumes stafflines do not cross, # and that there are no crazy curves at the end that would make the lower # stafflines stick out over the ones above them... stafflines = [c for c in cropobjects if c.clsname == _CONST.STAFFLINE_CLSNAME] stafflines = sorted(stafflines, key=lambda c: staffspaces = [c for c in cropobjects if c.clsname == _CONST.STAFFSPACE_CLSNAME] staffspaces= sorted(staffspaces, key=lambda c: staves = [c for c in cropobjects if c.clsname == _CONST.STAFF_CLSNAME] staves = sorted(staves, key=lambda c: # Indexing data structures. # # We need to know: # - per staffline and staffspace: its containing staff _staff_per_ss_sl = {} # - per staffline and staffspace: its index (top to bottom) within the staff _ss_sl_idx_wrt_staff = {} # Reverse indexes: # If I know which staff (by objid) and which index of staffline/staffspace, # I want to retrieve the given staffline/staffspace CropObject: _staff_and_idx2ss = collections.defaultdict(dict) _staff_and_idx2sl = collections.defaultdict(dict) # Build the indexes for _staff in staves: # Keep the top-down ordering from above: _s_stafflines = [_staffline for _staffline in stafflines if _staff.objid in _staffline.inlinks] _s_staffspaces = [_staffspace for _staffspace in staffspaces if _staff.objid in _staffspace.inlinks] for i, _sl in enumerate(_s_stafflines): _staff_per_ss_sl[_sl.objid] = _staff _ss_sl_idx_wrt_staff[_sl.objid] = i _staff_and_idx2sl[_staff.objid][i] = _sl logging.debug('Staff {0}: stafflines {1}'.format(_staff.objid, _staff_and_idx2sl[_staff.objid])) for i, _ss in enumerate(_s_staffspaces): _staff_per_ss_sl[_ss.objid] = _staff _ss_sl_idx_wrt_staff[_ss.objid] = i _staff_and_idx2ss[_staff.objid][i] = _ss # pprint.pprint(_ss_sl_idx_wrt_staff) logging.debug(pprint.pformat(dict(_staff_and_idx2ss))) # pprint.pprint(dict(_staff_and_idx2sl)) # # Get bounding box of all participating symbols # notehead_staff_bbox_coords = [c.bounding_box # for c in list(itertools.chain(*notehead_symbols.values())) # + stafflines # + staffspaces # + staves] # t, l, b, r = min([b[0] for b in notehead_staff_bbox_coords]), \ # min([b[1] for b in notehead_staff_bbox_coords]), \ # max([b[2] for b in notehead_staff_bbox_coords]), \ # max([b[3] for b in notehead_staff_bbox_coords]) # # h, w = b - t, r - l # # Maybe later: ensure a 1-px empty border? (h+2, w+2) and the appropriate +1 when # # projecting cropobjects onto the canvas... # staffline_canvas = numpy.zeros((h, w), dtype='uint8') # for s in stafflines: # dt, dl, db, dr = - t, s.left - l, s.bottom - t, s.right - l # staffline_canvas[dt:db, dl:dr] += s.mask for clsname, cs in list(notehead_symbols.items()): for c in cs: ct, cl, cb, cr = c.bounding_box ################ # Add relationship to given staffline or staffspace. # If notehead has ledger lines, skip it for now. _has_ledger_line = False for o in c.outlinks: if _cropobjects_dict[o].clsname == 'ledger_line': _has_ledger_line = True break if _has_ledger_line: # Attach to the appropriate staff: # meaning, staff closest to the innermost ledger line. lls = [_cropobjects_dict[o] for o in c.outlinks if _cropobjects_dict[o].clsname == 'ledger_line'] # Furthest from notehead's top is innermost. # (If notehead is below staff and crosses a ll., one # of these numbers will be negative. But that doesn't matter.) ll_max_dist = max(lls, key=lambda ll: - # Find closest staff to max-dist ledger ine staff_min_dist = min(staves, key=lambda ss: min((ll_max_dist.bottom - ** 2, ( - ss.bottom) ** 2)) link_cropobjects(c, staff_min_dist) continue # - Find the related staffline. # - Because of curved stafflines, this has to be done w.r.t. # the horizontal position of the notehead. # - Also, because stafflines are NOT filled in (they do not have # intersections annotated), it is necessary to use a wider # window than just the notehead. # - We will assume that STAFFLINES DO NOT CROSS. # (That is a reasonable assumption.) # # - For now, we only work with more or less straight stafflines. overlapped_stafflines = [] overlapped_staffline_idxs = [] for i, s in enumerate(stafflines): # This is the assumption of straight stafflines! if (ct <= <= cb) or (ct <= s.bottom <= cb): overlapped_stafflines.append(s) overlapped_staffline_idxs.append(i) if c.objid < 10: logging.debug('Notehead {0} ({1}): overlaps {2} stafflines'.format(c.uid, c.bounding_box, len(overlapped_stafflines), )) if len(overlapped_stafflines) == 1: s = overlapped_stafflines[0] dtop = - ct dbottom = cb - s.bottom if min(dtop, dbottom) / max(dtop, dbottom) < ON_STAFFLINE_RATIO_TRHESHOLD:'Notehead {0}, staffline {1}: very small ratio {2:.2f}' ''.format(c.objid, s.objid, min(dtop, dbottom) / max(dtop, dbottom))) # Staffspace? # # To get staffspace: # - Get orientation (below? above?) _is_staffspace_above = False if dtop > dbottom: _is_staffspace_above = True # - Find staffspaces adjacent to the overlapped staffline. # NOTE: this will fail with single-staffline staves, because # they do NOT have the surrounding staffspaces defined... _staffline_idx_wrt_staff = _ss_sl_idx_wrt_staff[s.objid] if _is_staffspace_above: _staffspace_idx_wrt_staff = _staffline_idx_wrt_staff else: _staffspace_idx_wrt_staff = _staffline_idx_wrt_staff + 1 # Retrieve the given staffsapce _staff = _staff_per_ss_sl[s.objid] tgt_staffspace = _staff_and_idx2ss[_staff.objid][_staffspace_idx_wrt_staff] # Link to staffspace link_cropobjects(c, tgt_staffspace) # And link to staff _c_staff = _staff_per_ss_sl[tgt_staffspace.objid] link_cropobjects(c, _c_staff) else: # Staffline! link_cropobjects(c, s) # And staff: _c_staff = _staff_per_ss_sl[s.objid] link_cropobjects(c, _c_staff) elif len(overlapped_stafflines) == 0: # Staffspace! # Link to the staffspace with which the notehead has # greatest vertical overlap. # # Interesting corner case: # Sometimes noteheads "hang out" of the upper/lower # staffspace, so they are not entirely covered. overlapped_staffspaces = {} for _ss_i, s in enumerate(staffspaces): if <= <= s.bottom: overlapped_staffspaces[_ss_i] = min(s.bottom, c.bottom) - elif <= <= c.bottom: overlapped_staffspaces[_ss_i] = s.bottom - max(, if len(overlapped_staffspaces) == 0: logging.warn('Notehead {0}: no overlapped staffline object, no ledger line!' ''.format(c.uid)) _ss_i_max = max(list(overlapped_staffspaces.keys()), key=lambda x: overlapped_staffspaces[x]) max_overlap_staffspace = staffspaces[_ss_i_max] link_cropobjects(c, max_overlap_staffspace) _c_staff = _staff_per_ss_sl[max_overlap_staffspace.objid] link_cropobjects(c, _c_staff) elif len(overlapped_stafflines) == 2: # Staffspace between those two lines. s1 = overlapped_stafflines[0] s2 = overlapped_stafflines[1] _staff1 = _staff_per_ss_sl[s1.objid] _staff2 = _staff_per_ss_sl[s2.objid] if _staff1.objid != _staff2.objid: raise ValueError('Really weird notehead overlapping two stafflines' ' from two different staves: {0}'.format(c.uid)) _staffspace_idx = _ss_sl_idx_wrt_staff[s2.objid] s = _staff_and_idx2ss[_staff2.objid][_staffspace_idx] link_cropobjects(c, s) # And link to staff: _c_staff = _staff_per_ss_sl[s.objid] link_cropobjects(c, _c_staff) elif len(overlapped_stafflines) > 2: raise ValueError('Really weird notehead overlapping more than 2 stafflines:' ' {0}'.format(c.uid)) ##########################################################################'Attaching clefs to stafflines [NOT IMPLEMENTED].') clefs = [c for c in cropobjects if c.clsname in ['g-clef', 'c-clef', 'f-clef']] ########################################################################## return cropobjects
[docs]def build_argument_parser(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__, add_help=True, formatter_class=argparse.RawDescriptionHelpFormatter) parser.add_argument('-a', '--annot', action='store', required=True, help='The annotation file for which the staffline and staff' ' CropObject relationships should be added.') parser.add_argument('-e', '--export', action='store', help='A filename to which the output CropObjectList' ' should be saved. If not given, will print to' ' stdout.') parser.add_argument('-t', '--notehead_staffspace_threshold', action='store', type=float, default=0.2, help='If the ratio of the smaller to the larger lobe w.r.t.' ' an overlapped staffline is lower than this, we consider' ' the notehead to belong to the adjacent staffspace.') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Turn on INFO messages.') parser.add_argument('--debug', action='store_true', help='Turn on DEBUG messages.') return parser
[docs]def main(args):'Starting main...') _start_time = time.clock() ##########################################################################'Import the CropObject list') if not os.path.isfile(args.annot): raise ValueError('Annotation file {0} not found!' ''.format(args.annot)) cropobjects = parse_cropobject_list(args.annot) output_cropobjects = add_staff_relationships( cropobjects, notehead_staffspace_threshold=args.notehead_staffspace_threshold) ##########################################################################'Export the combined list.') cropobject_string = export_cropobject_list(output_cropobjects) if args.export is not None: with open(args.export, 'w') as hdl: hdl.write(cropobject_string) else: print(cropobject_string) _end_time = time.clock()' done in {0:.3f} s' ''.format(_end_time - _start_time))
if __name__ == '__main__': parser = build_argument_parser() args = parser.parse_args() if args.verbose: logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.INFO) if args.debug: logging.basicConfig(format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s', level=logging.DEBUG) main(args)